Can You Toast Bread In An Air Fryer?


Yes. Toasting bread in an air fryer is a great way to make toast without using any butter or oil.

Simply place the bread in the air fryer and set it to the desired heat setting. The bread will be toast in a matter of minutes.

Should You Use An Air Fryer To Toast Bread?

Yes, you can use an air fryer to toast bread. The key is to make sure the bread is evenly coated with oil, then place it in the air fryer.

Set the temperature to 350 degrees and cook for 3-5 minutes, or until the bread is golden brown.

What Setting Do You Use To Toast Bread In An Air Fryer?

There are a few things to consider when setting the temperature to toast bread in an air fryer. The thickness of the bread is one factor – thinner slices will toast more quickly than thick ones.

Whether or not you want your bread untoasted or already sliced is another determining factor. And finally, how dark you want your toast to be will also affect the perfect setting. 

Assuming you’re starting with untoasted bread, a good general rule is to set the air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. For thinly sliced bread, check it after two minutes, flipping once halfway through.

For thicker sliced bread, start checking it after three minutes, flipping once halfway through. And for very thick sliced bread or bagels, start checking it after four minutes, flipping once halfway through.

As always, keep an eye on your bread while it’s toasting, as air fryers can vary in cooking time. Better to err on the side of undercooked toast than burnt toast!

Can An Air Fryer Replace A Toaster Oven?

An air fryer is a great alternative to a toaster oven when you’re looking for something that’s going to give you a little more cooking power.

An air fryer can do things like cook chicken breasts, steak, fish, and vegetables, whereas a toaster oven is generally better for smaller items like toast, English muffins, or Bagel Bites.

That said, if you’re looking for something that can do all the things a regular oven can do (bake casseroles, pies, etc.), then an air fryer isn’t going to cut it. In that case, you’ll need to go with a full-sized oven.