Can You Cook Chicken Nuggets And Fries Together In Air Fryer?


Yes, you most certainly can cook chicken nuggets and fries together in an air fryer!

This is actually a really great way to make sure that both items come out crispy and delicious. Simply place the chicken nuggets and fries in the basket of your air fryer, ensuring that they are not overcrowded.

Cook for the recommended time for both items (usually around 10-15 minutes), stirring once or twice during cooking. And that’s it – enjoy your perfectly cooked chicken nuggets and fries!

Do You Need To Put Oil On Chicken Nuggets In Air Fryer?

No, you don’t need to put oil on chicken nuggets in an air fryer. Air frying is a great way to cook chicken nuggets without using any oil.

The hot air will circulate around the nuggets and cook them evenly. Plus, the resulting chicken nuggets will be crispy and delicious.

Can You Put Chicken Directly In The Air Fryer?

You certainly can put the chicken directly in your air fryer! In fact, chicken is one of the most popular items to cook in an air fryer.

The key is to ensure that your chicken is properly seasoned and coated with a bit of oil before cooking. This will help it to crisp up nicely in the air fryer. Just be sure not to overcrowd the basket, or your chicken may not cook evenly.

How Much Time It’d Take?

Depending on the size and type of your chicken nuggets and fries, as well as the settings on your air fryer, it will likely take between 10-15 minutes to cook your chicken nuggets and fries together.

Be sure to check them regularly during cooking to ensure that they don’t overcook or burn. And you may want to stir them once or twice during cooking for the best results.

Will The Air Fryer Be Hard To Clean Afterward?

No, the air fryer shouldn’t be hard to clean afterward. In fact, it’s actually one of the easiest ways to cook chicken nuggets and fries – and cleanup is a breeze.

There’s no need to worry about greasy pans or splattered oil – simply wipe down the inside of your air fryer with a damp cloth after cooking.